NSW Small Biz Connect Programm
After a succesful Trial in late 2012, NSW Trade and Investment has signed up to use the benchmarking.com.au platform for its Small Biz Connect program. An extract of the department news release issued on May 23rd 2013 reads: NEW RESOURCES TO PATCH THE GAPS FOR SMALL BUSINESS Minister for Small Business Katrina Hodgkinson today launched […]
The new Accountants Benchmark module is set for release in June 2013
Since the release of our new benchmarking.com.au plaform in October 2012, we’ve been working hard to integrate the most important industry benchmark of them all: The Accountants Benchmark. Planned to go live at the end of June, users of the Benchmark Suite get access to: Online questionnaire Instant reporting with ability to export to Word, […]
Industry Statistics now part of most Online Industries
Benchmarking.com.au just released additional modules for all Online Industries in the Benchmark Suite and Industry Reports containing ABS industry data.