
Give me the numbers… now give me the significance of the numbers

The Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli was the first to publish the Venetian method of bookkeeping over 500 years ago, and this has been the primary source of modern accounting ever since. You can see the relevance of his work by looking at some of the accounting terms and principles still used today, which include: double [...]
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ATO Small Business Benchmarks Explained

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) provides a high-level benchmark tool for business owners to compare their company’s performance to a wider range of similar businesses. There are essentially three purposes behind the ATO Small Business Benchmark Tool. These are: encourage business owners to perform annual health checks to see if their costs are above or [...]
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Increasing Franchisor Transparency and Accountability in Australia

Franchises are often considered, and sold as, a win-win business-model by both franchisors and franchisees. However, the recent Fairness in Franchising Report by the Federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, released in March 2019, highlighted that franchisors are currently winning at the expense of their own franchisees. The scathing report has recommended [...]
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Financial Benchmarking Against Your Competitors

Competition in business can be challenging, but it also drives innovation and growth. The secret to thriving in a competitive market lies in understanding your competitors and using that knowledge to refine your strategies. This is where competitor benchmarking becomes invaluable. Competitor benchmarking is the process of systematically comparing your business to others in the [...]
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The Meaning of a Benchmark

A benchmark is often considered as the optimum performance to be strived for, or, the average performance which is either outperformed or fallen short of. The meaning of a benchmark, in a nutshell, is a reference point or a standard which something can be measured against. In the context of business, there are many benchmarks, [...]
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5 Reasons For Benchmarking A Business

Top 5 Reasons For Benchmarking A Business Do you know how your business is performing when stacked up against competitors? How about your clients? Do you know what they need to do to improve their business performance? Do you know where the business is excelling? How it could improve? And what needs to be implemented [...]
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The what and how of Benchmarking

The process for obtaining a measure – a benchmark: Simply stated, benchmarks are the “what,” and benchmarking is the “how,” of the process. Benchmarking without the right tools is not a simple process. Before undertaking a benchmarking opportunity, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the company’s guidelines around data and communications. You [...]
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The Benefits of Benchmarking

Research clearly shows successful businesses aren’t afraid to compare themselves to their competitors and ask the hard questions. Businesses that do not make competitive comparison, furthermore, tend to be over optimistic about their relative position, preventing them from making realistic and fruitful changes. Hard data provided by takes the guess work out of assessing [...]
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Before you buy a business

Benchmarking is an essential resource if you are thinking about buying a business. The best starting point is to obtain a copy of the Australian Benchmark Report for the industry or sector your looking at buying into. It can help you to measure the past performance of a business to see how it performed against [...]
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