With a custom benchmark report, you can select the graph style that best fits your needs. You can also work with us to create your own infographics. On this page, you will find our standard range of graph examples. For more custom graphs or a custom report, contact us today.

A graphical representation of data using rectangular bars, where the length of each bar corresponds to the value it represents.

Standard Bar Chart

A graphical representation of data using rectangular bars, where the length of each bar corresponds to the value it represents.

A bar/column chart that presents multiple sets of data side by side, allowing for easy comparison between different groups or categories.

Grouped Bar/ Column Chart

A bar/column chart that presents multiple sets of data side by side, allowing for easy comparison between different groups or categories.

A data visualization that combines elements of a bar chart and a dot plot, where a vertical line (the "lollipop")

Lollipop Chart

A data visualisation that combines elements of a bar chart and a dot plot, where a vertical line (the “lollipop”) represents the value, and a dot or circle indicates the data point on the horizontal axis.

A vertical bar chart that displays multiple groups or categories side by side, enabling easy comparison of values within each group.

Grouped Vertical Bar Chart

A vertical bar chart that displays multiple groups or categories side by side, enabling easy comparison of values within each group.

A three-dimensional vertical bar chart utilizing isometric projection, where the bars are positioned vertically and appear 3D on the chart.

Isometric Vertical Bar Chart

A three-dimensional vertical bar chart utilising isometric projection, where the bars are positioned vertically and appear three-dimensionally on the chart, enhancing the visual impact and depth perception of the data.

A visualization that displays the change in composition or distribution of different categories over time.

Stream Graph

A visualisation that displays the change in composition or distribution of different categories over time, where the individual categories are represented as stacked curves flowing in a continuous stream, allowing for the comparison of relative proportions and trends.

A column chart that utilizes hexagonal-shaped columns to represent data points.

Hexagonal Column Chart

A column chart that utilises hexagonal-shaped columns to represent data points or quantities, with the height or length of each column reflecting the value it represents, offering a unique visual presentation that distinguishes it from traditional rectangular column charts.

A combination chart that displays both bar and line graphs on the same plot.

Bar and Line Chart

A combination chart that displays both bar and line graphs on the same plot, allowing for the simultaneous comparison of two different data series or variables, where the bars represent one set of data and the line represents another.

A circular gauge chart that uses cog or gear icons to indicate values providing a visually distinctive and engaging representation of data.

Cog Icon Circular Gauge Chart

A circular gauge chart that uses cog or gear icons to indicate values or measurements on a circular scale, providing a visually distinctive and engaging representation of data, particularly suitable for showcasing mechanical or engineering-related information.

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Graph Collection

A donut chart that represents different parts or components of a car, where each section of the donut corresponds to a specific car part.

Car Parts Donut Chart

A donut chart that represents different parts or components of a car, where each section of the donut corresponds to a specific car part, highlighting their proportions or distribution within the whole, facilitating an understanding of the car’s composition.

Gantt charts that use pipe-like shapes to represent tasks, where the length and positioning of the pipes indicate the duration of each task.

Pipe Gantt Charts

Gantt charts that use pipe-like shapes to represent tasks or activities, where the length and positioning of the pipes indicate the duration and scheduling of each task, providing a clear visual timeline of project progress.

A donut chart that presents multiple categories in concentric rings, allowing for clear comparison and visualization of grouped data.

Grouped Donut Chart

A donut chart that presents multiple groups or categories in concentric rings, where each ring represents a group, and the size or width of the rings conveys the proportion or value associated with each group, allowing for clear comparison and visualisation of grouped data.

A three-dimensional pyramid chart that uses isometric projection, adding visual impact and depth perception to the representation of data.

Isometric Pyramid Chart

A three-dimensional pyramid chart that uses isometric projection, where the pyramid structure is presented with depth and perspective, adding visual impact and depth perception to the representation of data.

A chart that uses an array or grid of icons or symbols to represent data points, providing a visually intuitive representation of the data.

Hexagonal Icon Array Chart

A chart that uses a grid or arrangement of icons or symbols to represent data points or quantities, where the number or presence of icons conveys the information, providing a visual representation that is easily interpretable.

A donut chart that covers only a semi-circle, where data categories are represented as sections of the donut.

Semi-circle Donut Chart

A donut chart that covers only a semi-circle, where data categories or subgroups are represented as sections of the donut, providing a visually appealing and concise representation of proportions or distributions.

A chart that uses a grid or arrangement of icons or symbols to represent data points or quantities.

Icon Array Chart

A chart that uses an array or grid of icons or symbols to represent data points or quantities, where the number or arrangement of icons conveys the information, providing a visually intuitive representation of the data.

A chart that resembles a gauge or dial, displaying a single value or measurement on a circular scale.

Circular Gauge Chart

A chart that resembles a gauge or dial, displaying a single value or measurement on a circular scale, often used to indicate progress, performance, or levels of a particular metric.

A chart that utilizes pictograms to represent data points conveys the information, allowing for easy demographic data.

People Pictogram Chart

A chart that utilises pictograms or stick figures to represent data points or quantities related to people, where the number or arrangement of pictograms conveys the information, allowing for easy visualisation of population, workforce, or demographic data.

A chart that displays data in a circular shape, with the outer rings representing different levels.

Sunburst Chart

A chart that displays hierarchical data in a circular shape, with the outer rings representing different levels or categories, and the size or angle of each sector conveying the proportion or value it represents, enabling the visualisation of nested or hierarchical relationships within the data.

A chart used in project that illustrates the schedule of tasks, represented by horizontal bars, providing a visual timeline of project progress.

Gantt Charts

A chart used in project management that illustrates the schedule and dependencies of tasks or activities over time, represented by horizontal bars, providing a visual timeline of project progress, task durations, and interdependencies.

Accessible radar chart: Central point with rays extending outward, representing variables. Points connected to form a polygon. Data visualization.

Radar Chart

A chart that displays multivariate data on a two-dimensional plane, with each variable represented by a spoke or axis extending from a central point, allowing for the comparison of multiple variables and their relative values.

A chart that displays with each category represented as a colored area stacked on top of one another.

Staked Area Chart

A chart that displays the composition and cumulative total of different categories or subgroups over time or a continuous variable, with each category represented as a colored area stacked on top of one another.

A chart that uses bars or lines with varying slopes to represent the change or progression of values between different data.

Slope bar Chart

A chart that uses bars or lines with varying slopes to represent the change or progression of values between different data points or categories, effectively conveying the magnitude and direction of the change.

A chart that resembles a pyramid, with levels or layers representing different categories and showcasing data distribution.

Pyramid Chart

A chart that resembles a pyramid, with levels or layers representing different categories or subgroups, and the size or width of each level indicates the magnitude or proportion of the data, enabling hierarchical comparisons and showcasing data distribution.

A line chart that utilizes a smooth curve to connect data points, providing a more visually appealing representation of the data.

Spline Chart

A line chart that utilises a smooth curve (spline) to connect data points, providing a more visually appealing representation of the data and emphasising the overall trend.

A bar chart presented in a vertical orientation, with the bars extending vertically from the horizontal axis.

Vertical Bar Chart

A bar chart presented in a vertical orientation, with the bars extending vertically from the horizontal axis.

A chart that employs water drop icons to represent data points, where the number, size, or color of the water drops conveys the information.

Water Drop Icon Chart

A chart that employs water drop icons to represent data points or quantities, where the number, size, or color of the water drops conveys the information, creating a visually appealing representation with a water-themed visual element.

A circular chart where the size or area of each section represents the percentage, and icons or symbols are used to represent different categories.

100% Circle Chart with Icon

A circular chart that represents the composition or distribution of a whole, where the size or area of each section represents the proportion or percentage it represents, and icons or symbols are used to represent different categories or subgroups, offering a visually engaging and informative representation.

A chart that incorporates icons or symbols representing various categories to different regions within Australia, utilizing the map of Australia.

Australian Map Icon Chart

A chart that incorporates icons or symbols representing various categories or attributes specific to different regions or locations within Australia, utilising the map of Australia as a visual backdrop, providing a geographically contextualised representation of the data.

A chart that displays individual data points as dots on a two-dimensional plane, where the position of each dot represents the values of two variables.

Scatter Chart

A chart that displays individual data points as dots on a two-dimensional plane, where the position of each dot represents the values of two variables, allowing for the identification of patterns, correlations, and outliers.

A chart that uses a hexagonal grid structure to display grouped data, where each hexagon represents a group or category.

Grouped Hexagonal Chart

A chart that uses a hexagonal grid or honeycomb-like structure to display grouped data, where each hexagon represents a group or category, and the size or color of the hexagons indicates the magnitude or value associated with each group, facilitating easy comparison and analysis.

A line chart that is optimized for performance and rapid rendering, particularly useful when dealing with large datasets.

Fast Line Chart

A line chart that is optimised for performance and rapid rendering, particularly useful when dealing with large datasets or real-time data updates.

A chart that displays the total height of the stacked bars or columns is always 100%.

100% Staked Bar/ Column Chart

A chart that displays the composition of a whole by stacking individual bars or columns on top of each other, where each bar or column represents a category or subgroup, and the total height of the stacked bars or columns is always 100%, enabling easy comparison of relative proportions and emphasising the cumulative total.

A vertical bar chart that uses coin icons or symbols to represent data points.

Coins Vertical Bar Chart

A vertical bar chart that uses coin icons or symbols to represent data points or quantities, where the length or height of each bar corresponds to the value it represents, creating a visually appealing representation with a coin-themed visual element.

A chart that utilizes rectangular icons or shapes to represent data points, where the size of rectangles indicates the magnitude of the data.

Rectangle Pictogram Chart

A chart that utilises rectangular icons or shapes to represent data points or quantities, where the size or number of rectangles indicates the magnitude or frequency of the data, enabling a clear visual understanding of the information.

A 3-D bar chart that incorporates icons or symbols alongside the bars, where the length of each bar represents the data value.

Isometric Bar Chart with Icon

A three-dimensional bar chart that incorporates icons or symbols alongside the bars, where the length or height of each bar represents the data value, and the icons provide additional visual cues or represent specific categories, enhancing the visual representation and information conveyed.

A chart that employs a hexagonal grid structure, where each hexagon represents a data point.

Hexagonal Icon Diagram Chart

A chart that employs a hexagonal grid or honeycomb-like structure, where each hexagon represents a data point or category, and icons or symbols are placed within the hexagons to convey information or attributes, facilitating visual analysis and understanding of complex data relationships.

A chart that illustrates the composition and cumulative total of different categories, with each category represented as a colored area stacked.

Staked Area Chart

A chart that illustrates the composition and cumulative total of different categories or subgroups over time or a continuous variable, with each category represented as a colored area stacked on top of one another, providing a clear visual representation of the total and individual contributions.

A chart that uses bars to represent positive and negative values relative to a central reference point.

Diverging Bar/Column Chart

A chart that uses bars or columns to represent positive and negative values relative to a central reference point, visually highlighting the divergence or contrast between the two sets of data, allowing for effective comparison and analysis.

A chart that uses circles or circular icons to represent data points, with the size or number of circles conveying frequency of the data.

Circle Pictogram Chart

A chart that uses circles or circular icons to represent data points or quantities, with the size or number of circles conveying the magnitude or frequency of the data, providing a visual representation that is easily interpretable.

A graphical representation of data using a continuous line to connect data points, illustrating trends and patterns over time.

Line Chart

A graphical representation of data using a continuous line to connect data points, illustrating trends and patterns over time or other continuous variables.

A bar/column chart that displays the composition of a whole by stacking individual bars/columns on top of each other to represent different categories.

Staked Bar/ Column Chart

A bar/column chart that displays the composition of a whole by stacking individual bars/columns on top of each other to represent different categories or subgroups.

A line chart where multiple lines are represented by dotted lines instead of solid lines.

Multiple Dotted Line Chart

A line chart where multiple lines are represented by dotted lines instead of solid lines, allowing for easy differentiation and comparison between multiple data series.

A pie chart that represents the composition or distribution of a whole by dividing it into sectors.

Pie Chart

A circular chart that represents the composition or distribution of a whole by dividing it into sectors, with each sector representing a different category or subgroup, and the size of each sector corresponding to the proportion or percentage it represents.

A column chart that is shaped like pyramid, where the height or length of each column corresponds to the value it represents.

Pyramid Column Chart

A column chart that is shaped like an inverted pyramid, where the height or length of each column corresponds to the value it represents, creating a visually striking representation of hierarchical data or comparisons.

A vertical bar chart that incorporates graphical icons or symbols alongside the bars to represent enhancing the visual representation of the data.

Vertical Bar with Icon Chart

A vertical bar chart that incorporates graphical icons or symbols alongside the bars to represent additional information or categorical attributes, enhancing the visual representation of the data.

A chart that uses the map of Australia as a visual backdrop, and employs pictograms or symbols to represent data points.

Australian Map Pictogram Chart

A chart that uses the map of Australia as a visual backdrop, and employs pictograms or symbols to represent data points or quantities specific to Australian regions or locations, providing a geographically contextualised representation of the data.

A bar chart that groups data by months, where each bar represents a month and displays the values associated with different categories.

Month Grouped Bar Chart

A bar chart that groups data by months, where each bar represents a month and displays the values associated with different categories or subgroups within that month, providing a visual comparison of data across multiple months.

A chart that utilizes gender-specific icons or symbols, such as male and female figures, to represent data points.

Male and Female Icon Chart

A chart that utilises gender-specific icons or symbols, such as male and female figures, to represent data points or quantities related to gender demographics or comparisons, enabling a clear visual understanding of gender-related information.

A chart that combines isometric projection with textual labels or percentages to represent data.

Isometric % Text Chart

A chart that combines isometric projection with textual labels or percentages to represent data points or proportions, providing a visual display of data in three dimensions with the added clarity of numerical values or percentages.

A chart that uses the visual representation of cups or mugs to convey information, providing an engaging and relatable visualization.

Cup Diagram Chart

A chart that uses the visual representation of cups or mugs to convey information, where the size, color, or arrangement of the cups represents data points or quantities, providing an engaging and relatable visualisation.

A bar/column chart where the bars extend from a central axis, showing the positive and negative values in relation to a reference point.

Diverging Bar/Column Chart

A bar/column chart where the bars extend from a central axis, showing the positive and negative values in relation to a reference point, facilitating comparisons and highlighting divergences.

A vertical bar chart enhanced with graphical icons or symbols that represent certain aspects of the data, providing visual and numerical values.

Vertical Bar Chart with Icons

A vertical bar chart enhanced with graphical icons or symbols that represent or emphasise certain aspects or characteristics of the data, providing visual cues alongside the numerical values.

A donut chart that incorporates the map of Australia as a central element, with data categories.

Australian Map Donut Chart

A donut chart that incorporates the map of Australia as a central element, with data categories represented as sections of the donut, enabling a combination of geographic and categorical data visualisation specific to Australia.

A three-dimensional bar chart that uses isometric projection to represent the data, adding a visually appealing presentation.

Isometric Bar Chart

A three-dimensional bar chart that uses isometric projection to represent the data, adding depth and a sense of perspective to the bars for a visually appealing presentation.

A graph that displays the magnitude of data over time or categories using filled areas between a baseline and the line representing the data.

Standard Area Chart

A graph that displays the magnitude of data over time or categories using filled areas between a baseline and the line representing the data, providing a visual representation of the cumulative value.

A chart that compares the change in values between two or more points in time or different categories.

Slope Chart

A chart that compares the change in values between two or more points in time or different categories, using lines with varying slopes to highlight the magnitude and direction of the change.

A chart that compares the values of two or more categories or variables using horizontal lines connected by a vertical line, resembling dumbbells.

Dumbbell Chart

A chart that compares the values of two or more categories or variables using horizontal lines or bars connected by a vertical line, resembling dumbbells. It emphasises the difference or similarity between the categories.

A chart that employs hexagons arranged in a diverging pattern to represent data points or other attributes of the hexagons convey the values.

Diverging Hexagonal Chart

A chart that employs hexagons arranged in a diverging pattern to represent data points or categories, where the size, color, or other attributes of the hexagons convey the values or information, facilitating visual comparison and analysis.

A chart that incorporates the map of Australia as a visual backdrop, and associates specific regions or locations with price data.

Australian Map Price Chart

A chart that incorporates the map of Australia as a visual backdrop, and associates specific regions or locations with price data, allowing for geographically contextualised price visualisation specific to different areas within Australia.

What People Say

This report is FANTASTIC!! Thank you to you and your team for doing this. And to think a revised version will come in April with even more data, even better. This is beyond what I was expecting and I dare say you’ll have all of us signing up again next year and spreading the word to get others involved. I’m so glad I responded to the initial email and made the time to get involved, rather than just grumbling about being time poor and lazily hitting the delete button.

Best money and time I’ve spent in a very long time!


Matthew Tucker | Principal | Creative Crunchers is an excellent platform to open up meaningful and valuable conversations with our clients about their businesses. The feedback sections in the reports is impressive and the platform is continually improving. We are very excited about the release of the additional 200+ industry benchmarks, which will allow many more of our clients to understand what is driving success in their industries and bring even more value to our business advisory offerings.

Pascoe Partners Accountants


Steven Windsor | FMAAT, FCCA, Business Advisory Manager

With the Benchmark Suite, we now offer our clients benchmarking and consulting services - creating an additional revenue stream.

Shaw Downie Chartered Accountants


Nick Shaw | Director is invaluable for businesses to improve performance and focus on the really critical KPIs.

Business Mentor and Advisor

The Business Centre Newcastle


Michael Hilsden, FAIM, FACS

Thank you, we really appreciate how proactive you guys are.

AV Chartered Accountants


Antony Vidray | Director