100+ Advisory Services Your Accounting Firm Or Consultancy Can Offer Business Clients

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  4. 100+ Advisory Services Your Accounting Firm Or Consultancy Can Offer Business Clients

The data is clear: an increasing number of accounting firms are expanding their services beyond traditional accounting. In fact, nine out of ten firms are already offering business planning and/or strategy services. Australian firms are experiencing a growing demand from business clients for non-traditional services.

Additionally, the number of business consultants in Australia has increased significantly over the past 10 years.

This shows that Australian business owners are demanding more support for business operations and growth.

If your firm or consultancy is looking to broaden its service offerings, we’ve listed 100+ advisory services that you can consider.

Business Health Check and Benchmarking

1. Financial Benchmarking against Industry Standards: Benchmark financial performance against industry standards for better insights.

2. Industry Benchmarking Analysis: Conduct industry benchmarking to compare business performance against peers.

3. Business Health Check Reports: Provide comprehensive business health check reports to identify strengths and weaknesses.

4. Competitive Analysis: Perform competitive analysis to understand market position and opportunities.

5. Operational Performance Benchmarking: Assess and compare operational performance against industry best practices.

6. Customer Satisfaction Benchmarking: Benchmark customer satisfaction levels to improve service and retention.

7. Technology Benchmarking Land Adoption Analysis: Analyse and benchmark technology adoption to stay competitive in the industry.

Strategic Business Planning

8. Business Strategy Development: Develop comprehensive long-term strategies to drive sustainable business growth.

9. Market Opportunity Analysis: Identify and evaluate new market opportunities to enhance business growth.

10. Resource Allocation Advisory: Advise on optimal allocation of resources to align with strategic business goals.

11. Scenario Planning for Market Conditions: Assist in preparing for various market scenarios to ensure business resilience.

12. Strategic Partnerships and Alliances Consulting: Guide the formation of strategic partnerships to leverage business opportunities.

13. Business Expansion Strategy: Provide advice on strategies for expanding business operations locally or globally.

14. SWOT Analysis: Conduct SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

15. Market Entry Strategy: Develop strategies for successful entry into new markets.

General Business Support

16. Strategic Advisory Services: Provide ongoing strategic advisory services to support business growth and development.

17. Business Plan Writing: Write and review business plans to ensure clarity and alignment with goals.

18. Board Advisory Services: Offer advisory services to boards of directors on governance and strategic issues.

19. Business Restructuring Consulting: Advise on business restructuring to improve financial health and operational efficiency.

20. Interim Executive Services: Provide interim executive services during transitions or periods of growth.

21. Business Process Documentation: Document business processes to ensure consistency and support training.

22. Franchise Development Consulting: Offer consulting on developing and expanding franchise businesses.

23. Customer Service Strategy Development: Develop strategies to enhance customer service and satisfaction.

24. Intellectual Property Strategy Consulting: Provide strategic advice on managing and protecting intellectual property assets.

Performance and Productivity Consulting

25. Employee Performance Metrics Design: Design performance metrics to effectively measure and enhance employee productivity.

26. Performance Management System Implementation: Implement performance management systems aligned with business objectives.

27. Employee Training and Development Programs: Develop training programs to improve employee skills and overall productivity.

28. Incentive Structures and Reward Systems: Create incentive structures to motivate and reward high-performing employees.

29. Organisational Development Consulting: Provide consulting on organisational development to improve business structure and efficiency.

30. Change Management Support: Support businesses through change management processes to ensure smooth transitions.

31. Time Management Solutions: Offer time management solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency.

32. Workforce Planning and Optimisation: Optimise workforce planning to ensure the right talent is in place for business needs.

33. Employee Engagement Strategies: Develop strategies to boost employee engagement and retention.

Our Benchmark Report includes employee productivity analysis.

Business Value Enhancement

34. Business Valuation Services: Conduct business valuations to determine the worth of a company.

35. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory: Offer advisory services for mergers and acquisitions to maximise value.

36. Brand Strengthening Advisory: Advise on strategies to strengthen brand identity and increase market appeal.

37. Customer Retention and Loyalty Strategies: Develop strategies to enhance customer retention and build long-term loyalty.

38. Intellectual Property Management: Provide guidance on protecting and monetising intellectual property assets.

39. Capital Restructuring Support: Assist in restructuring capital to optimise financial health and business value.

40. Exit Strategy Planning: Develop exit strategies for business owners to ensure a smooth transition.

41. Reputation Management Consulting: Provide consulting on managing and improving business reputation.

42. Pricing Strategy Consulting: Advise on pricing strategies to maximise profitability and market share.

Offer your clients Business Valuations with a few clicks!

Operational and Process Improvement

43. Process Audits and Optimisation: Audit and optimise business processes to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

44. Workflow Automation Implementation: Implement automation solutions to streamline workflows and minimise manual errors.

45. Operational Excellence Advisory: Advise on achieving operational excellence through best practices and process improvements.

46. Lean Manufacturing Consulting: Apply lean manufacturing principles to reduce waste and improve production efficiency.

47. Supply Chain Optimisation: Optimise supply chain operations to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

48. Business Process Reengineering (BPR): Reengineer business processes to significantly improve performance and outcomes.

49. Quality Management Systems (QMS) Implementation: Implement QMS to ensure consistent quality and compliance with standards.

50. Continuous Improvement Programs: Establish continuous improvement programs to drive ongoing process enhancements.

51. Inventory Management Solutions: Provide solutions for effective inventory management to reduce costs and improve turnover.

Cost Management and Optimisation

52. Overhead Cost Reduction Strategies: Identify and implement strategies to reduce overhead costs without compromising quality.

53. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Perform cost-benefit analyses to prioritise investments with the highest returns.

54. Supplier Contract Renegotiation: Assist in renegotiating supplier contracts for better terms and cost savings.

55. Energy Efficiency Consulting: Advise on energy efficiency measures to reduce costs and improve sustainability.

56. Technology Adoption for Cost Savings: Recommend technology solutions to reduce operational costs and increase efficiency.

57. Process Refinement for Cost Control: Refine processes to improve cost control and operational efficiency.

58. Outsourcing and Offshoring Advisory: Provide guidance on outsourcing and offshoring to reduce costs and increase focus on core activities.

59. Expense Management Solutions: Implement expense management systems to control and reduce business expenses.

60. Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Analysis: Perform ABC analysis to accurately allocate costs to products or services.

Productivity Analysis

61. Productivity Audits: Conduct audits to evaluate and improve productivity within the organisation.

62. Time and Motion Studies: Perform time and motion studies to identify and eliminate inefficiencies.

63. Efficiency Analysis and Reporting: Analyse efficiency and provide reports to guide improvements.

64. Process Improvement Workshops: Facilitate workshops to identify and implement process improvements.

65. Employee Output Benchmarking: Benchmark employee output to identify areas for performance enhancement.

66. Tools and Technology Integration for Productivity: Recommend and integrate tools and technology to boost productivity.

67. Resource Utilisation Analysis: Analyse resource utilisation to optimise efficiency and reduce waste.

68. Employee Productivity Tracking Systems: Implement systems to track and measure employee productivity.

Industry Analysis

69. Industry Trend Analysis: Analyse industry trends to inform strategic business decisions.

70. Competitive Landscape Studies: Conduct studies of the competitive landscape to identify opportunities and threats.

71. Market Size and Growth Potential Analysis: Analyse market size and growth potential to guide business expansion strategies.

72. Sector-Specific Performance Benchmarking: Benchmark performance against sector-specific standards for competitive advantage.

73. Regulatory Impact Analysis: Assess the impact of regulatory changes on the business and provide guidance.

74. Emerging Market Opportunities: Identify emerging market opportunities to drive business growth.

75. Industry Risk Assessment: Assess risks specific to the industry and develop mitigation strategies.

76. Technology Disruption Analysis: Analyse the impact of technological disruptions on the industry and business.

Feasibility Analysis and Forecasting

77. Feasibility Studies for New Ventures: Conduct feasibility studies to assess the viability of new business ventures.

78. Financial Forecasting and Projections: Provide financial forecasting and projections to support business planning.

79. Market Feasibility Analysis: Analyse market feasibility to determine the potential success of new products or services.

80. Break-Even Analysis: Perform break-even analysis to understand the profitability threshold of products or services.

81. Sensitivity Analysis: Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of varying assumptions on outcomes.

82. Cash Flow Forecasting: Provide cash flow forecasting to manage liquidity and financial planning.

83. Economic Impact Analysis: Analyse the economic impact of business decisions on local or global scales.

Succession Planning

84. Succession Planning Advisory: Advise on creating and implementing effective succession plans for leadership continuity.

85. Leadership Transition Planning: Assist in planning leadership transitions to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities.

86. Family Business Succession Strategy: Develop succession strategies specifically for family-owned businesses.

87. Exit Strategy for Business Owners: Provide guidance on exit strategies for business owners planning to retire or sell.

88. Buy-Sell Agreement Consulting: Advise on buy-sell agreements to protect business continuity in the event of an owner’s exit.

89. Estate Planning Integration: Integrate estate planning with succession planning to ensure a cohesive approach.

90. Key Person Insurance Advisory: Recommend key person insurance to protect businesses against the loss of key individuals.

91. Talent Development for Succession: Develop talent management strategies to prepare future leaders for succession.

Cash Flow Management

92. Cash Flow Analysis and Optimisation: Analyse and optimise cash flow to improve liquidity and financial stability.

93. Working Capital Management: Provide working capital management solutions to maintain optimal cash flow.

94. Receivables and Payables Management: Offer solutions for managing receivables and payables to improve cash flow.

95. Liquidity Management Solutions: Implement liquidity management strategies to ensure adequate cash reserves.

96. Debt Restructuring Advisory: Advise on debt restructuring to reduce financial strain and improve cash flow.

97. Treasury Management Services: Offer treasury management services to manage cash and investments effectively.

Loan Application and Financing Support

98. Loan Application Preparation: Assist in preparing loan applications to increase the chances of approval.

99. Business Plan Development for Loan Applications: Develop business plans tailored for loan applications to secure funding.

100. Financial Statement Preparation for Lenders: Prepare financial statements required by lenders for loan applications.

101. Debt Financing Advisory: Advise on debt financing options to meet business funding needs.

102. Equity Financing Advisory: Provide guidance on equity financing to raise capital for business growth.

103. Funding Strategy Consulting: Develop funding strategies to ensure businesses have access to necessary capital.

104. Venture Capital and Private Equity Advisory: Offer advisory services for attracting venture capital and private equity investments.

105. Investor Relations Support: Provide support in managing investor relations to maintain investor confidence.

Grant Writing and Funding Support

106. Grant Proposal Writing: Write compelling grant proposals to secure funding from various sources.

107. Government Funding Advisory: Advise on government funding opportunities and application processes.

108. R&D Tax Incentive Application Support: Provide support in applying for R&D tax incentives, focusing on the non-tax elements.

109. Subsidy Application Support: Assist in applying for subsidies to reduce operational costs.

110. Crowdfunding Strategy Consulting: Develop strategies for successful crowdfunding campaigns.

111. Philanthropic Fundraising Consulting: Offer consulting on raising funds through philanthropic channels.

112. Innovation Grant Advisory: Provide advice on applying for innovation grants to support R&D efforts.

113. Non-Profit Organisation Grant Support: Assist non-profits in writing and applying for grants to fund their initiatives.

Risk Management and Compliance

114. Risk Assessment Framework Development: Develop frameworks to identify, assess, and mitigate business risks.

115. Regulatory Compliance Advisory: Provide advice on navigating and complying with regulatory requirements.

116. Crisis Management Planning: Prepare crisis management plans to respond effectively to unexpected events.

117. Business Continuity Planning: Develop business continuity plans to ensure operations continue during disruptions.

118. Internal Controls Review and Implementation: Review and implement internal controls to safeguard assets and ensure accuracy in reporting.

119. Fraud Risk Management: Assist in identifying and mitigating risks related to fraud within the organisation.

120. Cyber Security Risk Assessment: Conduct cyber security assessments to protect against digital threats.

121. Insurance and Risk Transfer Solutions: Recommend insurance and risk transfer solutions to manage potential business risks.

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